Has your abstract been accepted? Please read this important information for authors before submitting your final paper!
Original submissions in all areas related to the conference themes are invited for the following categories: papers, exhibits, workshops, tutorials, and panel discussions. The official language of the conference is English. Submissions must be delivered in one of the following document formats: plain text, RTF, PostScript, PDF, or Microsoft Word.
Papers and Presentations
Submissions deadlines have been relaxed. Please make note of the new dates.
The conference is seeking original technical contributions. Presenters will have approximately 45 minutes time, including any time for questions.
1 to 2 page extended abstracts describing a paper to be presented should be e-mailed to the by March 15 April 5. Extended abstracts will be evaluated by the program committee and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection no later than March 31 April 25. Final camera ready copies of papers no longer than 10 pages are due by April 30 May 25.
To assist our planning and scheduling efforts, authors are encouraged to notify the program committee of their intent to submit abstracts anytime prior to the submissions deadline.
Throughout the technical program, exhibition space will be made available at no charge to both individuals and organizations who wish to display Lisp-related (broadly defined) software or hardware. Please contact the for further details or to make a space reservation.
Tutorials and Workshops
The conference is seeking suggestions and proposals for workshops and tutorial sessions to be scheduled throughout the first day of the conference. Instructors will have approximately 2 hours time.
1 page tutorial proposals should be e-mailed to the by April 30. Tutorial proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee and instructors will be notified by May 7 of acceptance or rejection.
To assist our planning and scheduling efforts, instructors are encouraged to notify the organizing committee of their intent to submit proposals anytime prior to the submissions deadline.
Poster Session and Panel Discussions
The is seeking suggestions for a poster session and panel discussions.
© alu 2005