Submission Deadlines |
NEW: Title & Abstract Dealine: June 30th, 2003 |
Paper Submission Dealine: August 15th, 2003 |
Paper Topics Papers
can be submitted in any of following categories: |
Common Lisp
Financial Applications
Functional Languages
Intelligent Web
AI, Agents & Robotics
Computational Biology
Program Committee |
Jans Aasman Christian Queinnec Nancy Reed Alberto Riva Carolyn Talcott Ken Wakita JohnL White Pascal Costanza Howard Shrobe Manuela M. Veloso Manuel Serrano Philip Wadler |
KPN Research Université de Paris University of Hawaii Harvard University Stanford University Tokyo Institute of Technology Association of Lisp Users University of Bonn Massachussetts Institute of Technology Carnegie-Mellon University INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Avaya Labs |
Netherlands France United States United States United States Japan United States Germany United States United States France United States |
Paper Formats Papers at this year’s ILC will adhere to the ACM SIG format.
Templates are availbale from http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html in both LaTex
and Word formats. |
Submission Instructions Authors desiring to submit a full paper should declare their intention
by submitting a title and abstract of their paper by June 30th, 2003. The
actual paper submission deadline will be August 15th 2003. Papers should be
submitted in electronic form as a PostScript, pdf, or Word document and
should comply to the ACM template formats. Papers should not exceed 12 pages
in length. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and
published in the conference
proceedings. Papers should be submitted in English.. This year we will try to make the proceedings available at the
conference. For this reason no extensions will be made for paper submission
this year, so please note the submission deadlines. All papers should be submitted in electronic
format to Raymond de Lacaze: delacaze@alu.org